martes, agosto 11, 2009

Gnome title bar crash (it dissapear)

Hi everybody,

Just a few weeks ago one day I switch on my PC with Ubuntu and realize that I had no title bar, this one that allows you to resize the window and minimize, close, etc... Moreover, I realize that I had no filemanager too.

I started to search for a solution surfing the internet but (amazingly) I realized that there were difficult to resolve my problem, I read a few articles speaking about gconf-editor, gnome-panel, metacity, nautilus, gnome-wm and more, but everything I read simply don't work for me.

Then I start to mix all the information gather and get a solution, I think it is not the best solution because I don't discover wich is exactly the problem, why it started and wich is it's solution but at least nowadays I don't get affected by it.

Just to avoid open a shell everytime I login and execute explicitly metacity and nautilus... System > Preferences > (Programs at startup | Applications at startup | Programas al inicio) and then we need to create two launchers one for the file manager... Create and in "Order, Command, Orden..." type /usr/bin/nautilus (or your prefered file manager). Again the same with the window manager, Create and in Order... /usr/bin/metacity.

I know it's not the best solution (or maybe yes but I cannot say it because I don't know the source of the problem really) but at least it work pretty well.

Sorry for mistakes, you know, I'm not english.

2 comentarios:

xuxua xuxua dijo...

si, snifo tiza y me chuto cloro V.v estoy aciendo una prueba, no usare nada d esto, pero en vez d llamarme drogadicta podrias decirme si cuando añades el enlace d un blog d estos en el facebook xejemplo, si la persona del blog lo sabe.
enga, gracias yonki

Ole dijo...

Anyway, si bien, creo que se podría llegar... google is your friend. En principio yo diría que no lo sabría.

Al fin y al cabo lo que ves en el facebook es una pagina HTML, que tendra su correspondiente etiqueta de referencia, pero esto no avisa en forma alguna al dueño de esa referencia... No obstante como te comento, su uno pone una direccion en google tal cual aparecen paginas que contienen esa cadena... si me referencias probablemente google te indexe y me aparezca como resultado que tu pagina en facebook o en donde sea contiene esa informacion (informacion referente a mi)...

De todas formas esto no es seguro porque no se como funciona google del todo.